Copy of Learn Python through Music with Ableton Live

  • 4.5 Rate

  • 14 Lecture

  • 30

  • 7 Weeks


Explore the Ableton API, Create music from Data, Send CC data with your webcam, make a MIDI remote script, and much more


Skills Acquired: SQL , Power Bi , Python ,

  • Visualize and present findings effectively to stakeholders

  • Visualize and present findings effectively to stakeholders

  • Visualize and present findings effectively to stakeholders

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BOG installments

Who is this course for?

Individuals working

Individuals working in reporting, financial, or business analytics, who actively process data using Excel and desire to learn new tools for more efficient and speedy data analysis.

Professionals seeking

Individuals with well-developed analytical thinking, regardless of prior data experience, who aspire to start a career in the field of data analytics.

Program includes

Real-world projects

With real-world projects and immersive content built in partnership with top-tier companies, you’ll master the tech skills companies want.

Career services

You’ll have access to Github portfolio review and LinkedIn profile optimization to help you advance your career and land a high-paying role.

Bilingual Certification

Provides built-in marketing opportunities to promote your courses and increase your visibility. Benefit from our platform's marketing efforts - reach a wider audience and boost your course sales.

Graduate feedback

4.5 Rate


Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams. Overview of the data analytics process. Definition and importance of data analytics
Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams. Overview of the data analytics process. Definition and importance of data analytics
Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams
Overview of the data analytics process
Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams. Overview of the data analytics process. Definition and importance of data analytics
Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams
Overview of the data analytics process
Definition and importance of data analytics
Roles and responsibilities in data analytics teams
Overview of the data analytics process
Definition and importance of data analytics

Pick your suitable time


Vishal Singh

Testing heading

Vishal Singh

Testing heading

The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python


Lana Ekizashvili

Lana Ekizashvili

Vishal Singh

Main Head

Vishal Singh

Main Head

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digniss ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium volu


FAQs about the program

A: Provides built-in marketing opportunities to promote your courses and increase your visibility. Benefit from our platform's marketing efforts - reach a wider audience and boost your course sales.
A: Provides built-in marketing opportunities to promote your courses and increase your visibility. Benefit from our platform's marketing efforts - reach a wider audience and boost your course sales.

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