Pre-recorded Data Analytics Course - 2

  • 4.5 Rate

  • 42

  • 0 Student


Today's world revolves around data. Companies recognize data as their most valuable asset, but without analytics, it remains a mere number devoid of value. Data analysts play a crucial role in extracting meaningful insights from vast amounts of raw data, enabling companies to make informed and impactful decisions.

Price 1400₾
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Program includes

Practical Exercise & Queizes
Learning Materials
Certification of Completion
Lifetime Access

Who is this course for?

Professionals seeking

Professionals seeking to integrate data analytics into their current activities: Marketers, Product Owners, Product Managers, Individuals with any kind of data involvement who aim to enhance their skills in this area.

Individuals working

Individuals working in reporting, financial, or business analytics, who actively process data using Excel and desire to learn new tools for more efficient and speedy data analysis.

Analytical thinking

Individuals with well-developed analytical thinking, regardless of prior data experience, who aspire to start a career in the field of data analytics.

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FAQs about the program

A: The platform may provide options for instructors to monetize their courses, such as through course fees, subscriptions, or revenue-sharing models. You may need to review the platform's monetization policies, set pricing for your courses, and understand how revenue is calculated and distributed.
A: The platform may provide options for instructors to monetize their courses, such as through course fees, subscriptions, or revenue-sharing models. You may need to review the platform's monetization policies, set pricing for your courses, and understand how revenue is calculated and distributed.
A: The platform may provide options for instructors to monetize their courses, such as through course fees, subscriptions, or revenue-sharing models. You may need to review the platform's monetization policies, set pricing for your courses, and understand how revenue is calculated and distributed.

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