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Based on the results of the final project, the best graduate will receive a guaranteed internship in one of the partner creative agencies. Content – ​​/kənˈtɛnt/ – is not a Georgian word, although it does not sound unusual. Content is a big part of our daily life, it can be heard, viewed and perceived in many ways, that's why content is everything and content is everywhere. Accordingly, many great goals can be achieved with planned content, the main thing is to hit the goal. Content is something that pleases the eye and does not miss the ear. This course will also be one big content. Full of hands-on work, where we will see, create, change, then create again with our own hands, in different digital channels, with different means, resources and ideas.
4.5 Rate
42 Hours
In the digital space, any customer behavior is data, and the ability to use it correctly is a key means of gaining an advantage over competitors, as it helps us make smart decisions based on facts, not assumptions. Unlike traditional marketing approaches, data-driven marketing helps you get to know your customers better, study their behaviors, speak to them with relevant communications, determine where and how to "meet" them based on their needs, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing activities. During the course, we will cover in detail data analytics, customer segmentation, attribution modeling, marketing action plan and budget development, strategy and tactics evaluation, and more.
4.5 Rate
78 Hours
Are you looking to take your recruitment and staffing business to the next level? If so, you'll want to consider using sales and marketing automation technology. In this course, you'll learn how to setup your business for success using this powerful tool. You'll also learn how to market your business effectively using automated marketing campaigns. By the end of this course, you'll have everything you need to take your recruitment and staffing business to the next level. So don't wait any longer, enroll today!
4.5 Rate
16 Hours
კურსი მოიცავს პრაქტიკაზე დაფუძნებულ სწავლებას, რაშიც იგულისმება დავალებები / სავარჯიშოები და ინდივიდუალური პროექტი. პროგრამის განმავლობაში მიიღებ რჩევებსა და კონსულტაციებს კარიერული დაგეგმვის კუთხით. მისი წარმატებით დასრულების შემთხვევაში კი გექნება კარიერული მხარდაჭერა Commschool-ის პარტნიორი კომპანიებისგან, რაც გამოიხატება ექსკლუზიურ სამუშაო შემოთავაზებებსა და სტაჟირებაში. კურსის წარმატებით დასრულების შემდეგ სტუდენტი მიიღებს ორენოვან სერტიფიკატს.
4.5 Rate
48 hours Hours

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